Publication Date2020-12
Acoustoelectric effect in two-dimensional Dirac materials exposed to Rayleigh surface acoustic waves
Kabyashree Sonowal; A. V. Kalameitsev; V. M. Kovalev, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.102, no.23, pp.235405
Publication Date2020-07
Acoustomagnetoelectric effect in two-dimensional materials: Geometric resonances and Weiss oscillations
Ivan Savenko; A. V. Kalameitsev; L. G. Mourokh, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.102, no.4, pp.045407
Publication Date2019-06
Valley Acoustoelectric Effect
A. V. Kalameitsev; V. M. Kovalev; I. G. Savenko
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.122, no.25, pp.256801