Browsing byAuthor : yoo,jungwoo
Showing results 2 to 4 of 4
Publication Date2022-11
Air-stable van der Waals PtTe2 conductors with high current-carrying capacity and strong spin- orbit interaction
Song, Seunguk; Oh, Inseon; Jang, Sora, et al
ISCIENCE, v.25, no.11
Publication Date2021-07-28
Anisotropic Angstrom-Wide Conductive Channels in Black Phosphorus by Top-down Cu Intercalation
Suk Woo Lee; Lu Qiu; Jong Chan Yoon, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.21, no.14, pp.6336 - 6342
Publication Date2022-02
Imaging oersted field around current flowing wire based on a diamond scanning magnetometer
Lee, Yuhan; Lee, Myeongwon; Jo, Junhyeon, et al
Current Applied Physics, v.34, pp.59 - 63