Publication Date2014-10
Crucial role of calbindin-D-28k in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease mouse model
Kook, SY; Jeong, H; Kang, MJ, et al
CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION, v.21, no.10, pp.1575 - 1587
Publication Date2020-02
Enhanced thrombospondin-1 causes dysfunction of vascular endothelial cells derived from Fabry disease-induced pluripotent stem cells
Do, Hyo-Sang; Park, Sang-Wook; Im, Ilkyun, et al
Publication Date2016-11
Stem-piped light activates phytochrome B to trigger light responses in arabidopsis thaliana roots
Lee H.-J.; Ha J.-H.; Sang-Gyu Kim, et al
SCIENCE SIGNALING, v.9, no.452, pp.ra106
Publication Date2018-01
Tousled-like kinase 1 is a negative regulator of core transcription factors in murine embryonic stem cells
Lee, J; Kim, MS; Su Hyung Park, et al
Publication Date2016-09
Transfection of arginine decarboxylase gene increases the neuronal differentiation of neural progenitor cells
Kiran Kumar Bokara; Jae Hwan Kim; Jae Young Kim, et al
STEM CELL RESEARCH, v.17, no.2, pp.256 - 265
Publication Date2021-11-01
Verticillium dahliae secretory effector PevD1 induces leaf senescence by promoting ORE1-mediated ethylene biosynthesis
Zhang, Yi; Gao, Yuhan; Wang, Hou-Ling, et al
Molecular Plant, v.14, no.11, pp.1901 - 1917
Publication Date2022-10
Visuosocial Preference Memory, but Not Avoidance Memory, Requires PLCγ1 in the CA2 Hippocampus
Sunpil Kim; Kim, Jeongyeon; Yongmin Mason Park, et al
Experimental Neurobiology, v.31, no.5, pp.332 - 342