Publication Date2023-08
A streamlined guide RNA screening system for genome editing in Sorghum bicolor
Jeong Sun Lee; Su-Ji Bae; Kim, Jin-Soo, et al
Plant Methods, v.19, no.1
Publication Date2021-07
Chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA editing in plants
Highly Cited Paper
Beum-Chang Kang; Su-Ji Bae; Seonghyun Lee, et al
NATURE PLANTS, v.7, no.7, pp.899 - 905
Publication Date2019-10
Guidelines for C to T base editing in plants: base-editing window, guide RNA length, and efficient promoter
Beum‑Chang Kang; Je Wook Woo; Sang‑Tae Kim, et al
PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY REPORTS, v.13, no.5, pp.533 - 541
Publication Date2017-02
High-Throughput and Computational Study of Leaf Senescence through a Phenomic Approach
Jae IL Lyu; Seung Hee Baek; Sukjoon Jung, et al
Publication Date2018-07
Precision genome engineering through adenine base editing in plants
Highly Cited Paper
Beum-Chang Kang; Jae-Young Yun; Sang-Tae Kim, et al
NATURE PLANTS, v.4, no.7, pp.427 - 431
Publication Date2021-04-13
The efficacy of CRISPR-mediated cytosine base editing with the RPS5a promoter in Arabidopsis thaliana
Minkyung Choi; Jae‑Young Yun; Jun‑Hyuk Kim, et al
Scientific Reports, v.11, no.1, pp.1 - 9