Publication Date2018-04
Engineering small tubes with changes in diameter for the study of kidney cell organization
Bastien Venzac; Randa Madoun; Taous Benarab, et al
Publication Date2021-09
Post-Stroke Cognitive Impairment: Pathophysiological Insights into Brain Disconnectome from Advanced
Lim, Jae-Sung; Jae-Joong Lee; Choong-Wan Woo
JOURNAL OF STROKE, v.23, no.3, pp.297 - 311
Publication Date2023-12
The hydrogen-bonding dynamics of water to a nitrile-functionalized electrode is modulated by voltage according to ultrafast 2D IR spectroscopy
Ryan, Matthew J.; Yang, Nan; Kijeong Kwac, et al
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.120, no.52