Publication Date2017-06
Characterization of developmental defects in the forebrain resulting from hyperactivated mTOR signaling by integrative analysis of transcriptomic and proteomic data
Shin, J; Kim, M; Hee-Jung Jung, et al
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.7, no.1, pp.2826
Publication Date2024-01
Crystal growth, luminescence, and scintillation properties of Zn2Te3O8 crystal for 0νββ decay search
Khan, Arshad; Kim, H.J.; Yeongduk Kim, et al
CrystEngComm, v.2024, no.26, pp.223 - 232
Publication Date2020-03
Pbmoo4 synthesis from ancient lead and its single crystal growth for neutrinoless double beta decay search
Arshad Khan; Pabitra Aryal; Hongjoo Kim, et al
CRYSTALS, v.10, no.3, pp.150