Publication Date2020-03
DFTB plus , a software package for efficient approximate density functional theory based atomistic simulations
Highly Cited Paper
Hourahine, B; Aradi, B; Blum, V, et al
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v.152, no.12, pp.124101
Publication Date2024-04
Formulation of transition dipole gradients for non-adiabatic dynamics with polaritonic states
In Seong Lee; Michael Filatov; Seung Kyu Min
The Journal of Chemical Physics, v.160, no.15
Publication Date2024-07
Impact of solvation on the photoisomerisation dynamics of a photon-only rotary molecular motor
Michael Filatov; Paolino, Marco; Kaliakin, Danil, et al
Communications Physics, v.7, no.1