Publication Date2014-09
Advanced Hybrid Supercapacitor Based on a Mesoporous Niobium Pentoxide/Carbon as High-Performance Anode
Highly Cited Paper
Lim, E; Kim, H; Jo, C, et al
ACS NANO, v.8, no.9, pp.8968 - 8978
Publication Date2015-07
Facile Synthesis of Nb2O5@Carbon Core-Shell Nanocrystals with Controlled Crystalline Structure for High-Power Anodes in Hybrid Supercapacitors
Highly Cited Paper
Lim E.; Jo C.; Kim H., et al
ACS NANO, v.9, no.7, pp.7497 - 7505
Publication Date2014-01
Si7Ti4Ni4 as a buffer material for Si and its electrochemical study for lithium ion batteries
Kyung Jae Lee; Seung-Ho Yu; Jung-Joon Kim, et al
JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, v.246, pp.729 - 735