Publication Date2024-03
Exceptions to Fourier's Law at the Macroscale
Kaikai Zheng; Ghosh, Shankar; Steve Granick
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.121, no.11
Publication Date2024-01
The ergodicity question when imaging DNA conformation using liquid cell electron microscopy
Li, Jia-Ye; Liu, Fan; Xu, Jing, et al
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.121, no.3
Publication Date2023-11
Volatile Droplets on Water are Sculpted by Vigorous Marangoni-Driven Subphase Flow
Yitan Li; Chen, Yuguang; Li, Yan, et al
Langmuir, v.39, no.46, pp.16272 - 16283
Publication Date2023-08
Solid-body trajectoids shaped to roll along desired pathways
Yaroslav I. Sobolev; Ruoyu Dong; Tsvi Tlusty, et al
Nature, v.620, no.7973, pp.310 - 315
Publication Date2023-02
Phosphorescent extensophores expose elastic nonuniformity in polymer networks
Kaikai Zheng; Yifan Zhang; Bo Li, et al
Nature Communications, v.14, no.1
Publication Date2023-01
Oil-on-water droplets faceted and stabilized by vortex halos in the subphase
Yitan Li; Amir A. Pahlavan; Yuguang Chen, et al
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.120, no.4
Publication Date2022-11
Experimental Guidelines to Image Transient Single-Molecule Events Using Graphene Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy
Wang, Huan; Xu, Zhun; Mao, Sheng, et al
ACS NANO, v.16, no.11, pp.18526 - 18537
Publication Date2022-09
Biopolymer Filament Entanglement Softens Then Hardens with Shear
Kaikai Zheng; Zhang, Zitong; Cao, Bingyang, et al
Publication Date2022-08
Response of vesicle shapes to dense inner active matter
Myeonggon Park; Kisung Lee; Steve Granick
SOFT MATTER, v.18, no.34, pp.6419 - 6425
Publication Date2022-08
Comment on "Following Molecular Mobility during Chemical Reactions: No Evidence for Active Propulsion" and "Molecular Diffusivity of Click Reaction Components: The Diffusion Enhancement Question"
Tian Huang; Steve Granick
Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.144, no.30, pp.13431 - 13435
Publication Date2022-07
Reply to "comment on 'Molecules, the Ultimate Nanomotor: Linking Chemical Reaction Intermediates to their Molecular Diffusivity'"
Tian Huang; Bo Li; Wang, Huan, et al
ACS Nano, v.16, no.7, pp.9977 - 9981
Publication Date2021-08
Active phase separation by turning towards regions of higher density
Zhang, Jie; Alert, Ricard; Yan, Jing, et al
Nature Physics, v.17, no.8, pp.961 - +
Publication Date2021-07-27
Mixed-Charge Nanocarriers Allow for Selective Targeting of Mitochondria by Otherwise Nonselective Dyes
Diana V. Kolygina; Marta Siek; Magdalena Borkowska, et al
ACS NANO, v.15, no.7, pp.11470 - 11490
Publication Date2021-06
Reply to Comment on "Using NMR to Test Molecular Mobility during a Chemical Reaction"
Tian Huang; Wang, Huan; Steve Granick
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v.12, no.24, pp.5744 - 5747
Publication Date2021-03-11
Using NMR to Test Molecular Mobility during a Chemical Reaction
Huan Wang; Tian Huang; Steve Granick
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v.12, no.9, pp.2370 - 2375
Publication Date2021-02-10
Reincarnations of the phase separation problem
Ruo-Yu Dong; Steve Granick
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.12, no.1, pp.1 - 3
Publication Date2021-01-15
Response to comment on "Boosted molecular mobility during common chemical reactions"
Huan Wang; Myeonggon Park; Ruoyu Dong, et al
Science, v.371, no.6526
Publication Date2021-01
Adaptive architecture and mechanoresponse of epithelial cells on a torus
Sun-Min Yu; Bo Li; Francois Amblard, et al
Publication Date2020-11
Anatomy of cage formation in a two-dimensional glass-forming liquid
Bo, Li; Lou, Kai; Walter Kob, et al
Nature, v.587, no.7833, pp.225 - 229
Publication Date2020-11
Master curve of boosted diffusion for 10 catalytic enzymes
Ah-Young Jee; Tsvi Tlusty; Steve Granick
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.117, no.47, pp.29435 - 29441