Publication Date2022-08
Review and consensus recommendations on clinical APT-weighted imaging approaches at 3T: Application to brain tumors
Highly Cited Paper
Zhou, Jinyuan; Zaiss, Moritz; Knutsson, Linda, et al
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE, v.88, no.2, pp.546 - 574
Publication Date2022-07
Role of anterior cingulate cortex inputs to periaqueductal gray for pain avoidance
Jeong-Yun Lee; Taeyi You; Choong-Hee Lee, et al
Current Biology, v.32, no.13, pp.2834 - 2847
Publication Date2022-06
Neural mechanisms of pain relief through paying attention to painful stimuli
Dongho Kim; Choong-Wan Woo; Seong-Gi Kim
Pain, v.163, no.6, pp.1130 - 1138
Publication Date2022-04
Thrombin Preconditioning Improves the Therapeutic Efficacy of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage Induced Neonatal Rats
Jung, So Yeon; Kim, Young Eun; Park, Won Soon, et al
Publication Date2022-01
Dissection of brain-wide resting-state and functional somatosensory circuits by fMRI with optogenetic silencing
Won Beom Jung; Haiyan Jiang; Lee, Soohyun, et al
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.119, no.4
Publication Date2022-01
Role of chemical exchange on the relayed nuclear Overhauser enhancement signal in saturation transfer MRI
Tao Jin; Seong-Gi Kim
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE, v.87, no.1, pp.365 - 376
Publication Date2021-12
Layer-dependent functional connectivity methods
Laurentius Huber(Renzo); Emily S. Finn; Yuhui Chai, et al
Publication Date2021-11-01
Improvement of sensitivity and specificity for laminar BOLD fMRI with double spin-echo EPI in humans at 7 T
SoHyun Han; Seulgi Eun; Cho, HyungJoon, et al
Publication Date2021-09
Contribution of excitatory and inhibitory neuronal activity to BOLD fMRI
Hyun Seok Moon; Haiyan Jiang; Thanh Tan Vo, et al
Cerebral Cortex, v.31, no.9, pp.4053 - 4067
Publication Date2021-05
Differential contribution of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in shaping neurovascular coupling in different epileptic neural states
Hyun-Kyung Lim; Na-yeon You; Sungjun Bae, et al
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, v.41, no.5, pp.1145 - 1161
Publication Date2021-04
An equal-TE ultrafast 3D gradient-echo imaging method with high tolerance to magnetic susceptibility artifacts: Application to BOLD functional MRI
Jae-Kyun Ryu; Won Beom Jung; Jaeyong Yu, et al
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, v.85, no.4, pp.1986 - 2000
Publication Date2021-03
Rapid three‐dimensional steady‐state chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging
Hoonjae Lee; Seung Hong Choi; Chul‐Ho Sohn, et al
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, v.85, no.3, pp.1209 - 1221
Publication Date2021-02-01
Characteristics of fMRI responses to visual stimulation in anesthetized vs. awake mice
Thi Ngoc Anh Dinh; Won Beom Jung; Hyun-Ji Shim, et al
NeuroImage, v.226, pp.117542
Publication Date2021-01-15
Postsynaptic activity of inhibitory neurons evokes hemodynamic fMRI responses: GABAergic neurons initiate functional hyperemia
Alexander John Poplawsky; Bistra Iordanova; Alberto L. Vazquez, et al
NeuroImage, v.225, no.15
Publication Date2021-01
A neuroimaging biomarker for sustained experimental and clinical pain
Jae-Joong Lee; Hong Ji Kim; Marta Čeko, et al
Nature Medicine, v.27, no.1, pp.174 - 182
Publication Date2020-12
Feasibility of head-tilted brain scan to reduce susceptibility-induced signal loss in the prefrontal cortex in gradient echo-based imaging
Seulki Yoo; Hayoung Song; Seong-Gi Kim, et al
NEUROIMAGE, v.223, pp.117265
Publication Date2020-11
Excitation-inhibition imbalance leads to alteration of neuronal coherence and neurovascular coupling under acute stress
Kayoung Han; Myunghee Lee; Hyun-Kyoung Lim, et al
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, v.40, no.47, pp.9148 - 9162
Publication Date2020-07
BOLD fMRI and hemodynamic responses to somatosensory stimulation in anesthetized mice: spontaneous breathing vs. mechanical ventilation
Hyun-Ji Shim; Joonyeol Lee; Seong-Gi Kim
NMR IN BIOMEDICINE, v.33, no.7, pp.e4311
Publication Date2020-02
Model-based Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI for Robust z-Spectrum Analysis
Hoonjae Lee; Julius Juhyun Chung; Joonyeol Lee, et al
Publication Date2020-01
Supramolecular Peptide Hydrogel-Based Soft Neural Interface Augments Brain Signals through a Three-Dimensional Electrical Network
Jiyoung Nam; Hyun-Kyoung Lim; Kim, NH, et al
ACS NANO, v.14, no.1, pp.664 - 675