Publication Date2013-10
Efficient Photoluminescence of Mn2+-Doped ZnS Quantum Dots Excited by Two-Photon Absorption in Near-Infrared Window II
Subha, Radhu; Nalla, V; Jung Ho Yu, et al
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, v.117, no.40, pp.20905 - 20911
Publication Date2013-09
Self-assembled Fe3O4 nanoparticle clusters as high-performance anodes for lithium ion batteries via geometric confinement
Soo Hong Lee; Seung-Ho Yu; Ji Eun Lee, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.13, no.9, pp.4249 - 4256
Publication Date2013-09
One-pot synthesis of magnetically recyclable mesoporous silica supported acid-base catalysts for tandem reactions
Samuel Woojoo Jun; Mohammadreza Shokouhimehr; Dong Jun Lee, et al
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v.49, no.71, pp.7821 - 7823
Publication Date2013-09
Heck and Sonogashira cross-coupling reactions using recyclable Pd-Fe3O4 heterodimeric nanocrystal catalysts
Jooyoung Chung; Kim, J; Jang, Y, et al
TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, v.54, no.38, pp.5192 - 5196
Publication Date2013-05
Chemical Design of Biocompatible Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Medical Applications
Daishun Ling; Taeghwan Hyeon
SMALL, v.9, no.9-10, pp.1450 - 1466
Publication Date2013-05
Galvanic Replacement Reactions in Metal Oxide Nanocrystals
Myoung Hwan Oh; Yu, Taekyung; Seung-Ho Yu, et al
SCIENCE, v.340, no.6135, pp.964 - 968
Publication Date2013-05
Nano-Sized CT Contrast Agents
Nohyun Lee; Seung Hong Choi; Taeg Hwan Hyeon
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.25, no.19, pp.2641 - 2660
Publication Date2013-05
Magnetically recyclable hollow nanocomposite catalysts for heterogeneous reduction of nitroarenes and Suzuki reactions
Mohammadreza Shokouhimehr; Ji Eun Lee; Sang Ihn Han, et al
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v.49, no.42, pp.4779 - 4781
Publication Date2013-04
Advances in the Colloidal Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanoribbons
Jiwoong Yang; Jae Sung Son; Jung Ho Yu, et al
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v.25, no.8, pp.1190 - 1198
Publication Date2013-04
High-resolution three-photon biomedical imaging using doped ZnS nanocrystals
Jung Ho Yu; Kwon, Seung-Hae; Petrasek, Zdenek, et al
NATURE MATERIALS, v.12, no.4, pp.359 - 366
Publication Date2013-02
Sizing by Weighing: Characterizing Sizes of Ultrasmall-Sized Iron Oxide Nanocrystals Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
Byung Hyo Kim; Kwangsoo Shin; Soon Gu Kwon, et al
Publication Date2013-02
Comparative Study of Upconverting Nanoparticles with Various Crystal Structures, Core/Shell Structures, and Surface Characteristics
Young Il Park; Nam, Sang Hwan; Jeong Hyun Kim, et al
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, v.117, no.5, pp.2239 - 2244
Publication Date2013-02
Iron hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles as cathode materials for lithium and sodium rechargeable batteries
Seung-Ho Yu; Mohammadreza Shokouhimehr; Taeg Hwan Hyeon, et al
Publication Date1998-12
실험안전의 길잡이
사울대학교 환경안전연구소 편, 동화기술 출판