Publication Date2019-03
Valley Vortex States and Degeneracy Lifting via Photonic Higher-Band Excitation
Daohong Song; Daniel Leykam; Jing Su, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.122, no.12, pp.123903
Publication Date2019-03
Parity anomaly laser
OPTICS LETTERS, v.44, no.5, pp.1120 - 1123
Publication Date2019-02
Topological non-Hermitian origin of surface Maxwell waves
Bliokh K.Y.; Leykam D.; Lein M., et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.10, no.1, pp.580
Publication Date2019-02
Disorder-Robust Entanglement Transport
Clemens Gneiting; Daniel Leykam; Franco Nori
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.122, no.6, pp.066601
Publication Date2019-01
Nonlinear symmetry breaking of Aharonov-Bohm cages
Goran Gligoric ́; Petra P. Belicˇev; Daniel Leykam, et al
Physical Review a, v.99, no.1, pp.013826
Publication Date2018-12
Unconventional Flatband Line States in Photonic Lieb Lattices
Shiqi Xia; Ajith Ramachandran; Shiqiang Xia, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.121, no.26, pp.263902
Publication Date2018-11
Realization of a magneto-optical near-zero index medium by an unpaired Dirac point
Xin Zhou; Daniel Leykam; Udvas Chattopadhyay, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.98, no.20, pp.205115
Publication Date2018-07
Reconfigurable Topological Phases in Next-Nearest-Neighbor Coupled Resonator Lattices
Leykam, Daniel; S. Mittal; M. Hafezi, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.121, no.2, pp.023901
Publication Date2018-07
Observation of Valley Landau-Zener-Bloch Oscillations and Pseudospin Imbalance in Photonic Graphene
Yong Sun; Daniel Leykam; Stephen Nenni, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.121, no.3, pp.033904
Publication Date2018-06
Artificial flat band systems: from lattice models to experiments
Highly Cited Paper
Leykam, Daniel; Andreanov, Alexey; Sergej, Flach
ADVANCES IN PHYSICS: X, v.3, no.1, pp.1473052
Publication Date2018-06
Perspective: Photonic flatbands
Leykam, Daniel; Sergej, Flach
APL PHOTONICS, v.3, no.7, pp.070901
Publication Date2018-06
Nonreciprocity in synthetic photonic materials with nonlinearity
Weijian Chen; Daniel Leykam; Y.D. Chong, et al
MRS BULLETIN, v.43, no.6, pp.443 - 451