Publication Date2024-12
Induced cosmological anisotropies and CMB anomalies by a non-abelian gauge-gravity interaction
Lee, Bum-Hoon; Lee, Hocheol; Lee, Wonwoo, et al
Physics of the Dark Universe, v.46
Publication Date2024-10
Explicit diffeomorphism violation no-go constraints and discontinuities
Bailey, Quentin G.; ONeal-Ault, Kellie; Nils A. Nilsson
Physical Review D, v.110, no.8
Publication Date2024-08
Energy flow of λ in Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology
Czuchry, Ewa; Nils A. Nilsson
Physical Review D, v.110, no.4
Publication Date2024-07
Dynamical dark energy from spacetime-symmetry breaking — Late-time behaviour and phantom crossing
Nils A. Nilsson
Physics of the Dark Universe, v.45