Publication Date2023-12
Permutation Module Decomposition of the Second Cohomology of a Regular Semisimple Hessenberg Variety
Cho, Soojin; Jaehyun Hong; Eunjeong Lee
International Mathematics Research Notices, v.2023, no.24, pp.22004 - 22044
Publication Date2022-05
Positivity of chromatic symmetric functions associated with Hessenberg functions of bounce number 3
Cho, Soojin; Jaehyun Hong
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, v.29, no.2
Publication Date2024-02
Prolongations, invariants, and fundamental identities of geometric structures
Jaehyun Hong; Morimoto, Tohru
Differential Geometry and its Application, v.92
Publication Date2022-03
Simplicity of tangent bundles of smooth horospherical varieties of Picard number one
Jaehyun Hong
Comptes Rendus Mathematique, v.360, no.1, pp.285 - 290
Publication Date2024-05
Simplicity of Tangent bundles on the moduli spaces of symplectic and orthogonal bundles over a curve; [Simplicité des fibrés tangents des espaces de modules des fibrés symplectiques et orthogonaux sur une courbe]
Choe, Insong; Hitching, George H.; Jaehyun Hong
Comptes Rendus Mathematique, v.362, pp.493 - 510