Browsing centerforgeometryandphysics기하학수리물리연구단 byKeyword : existence
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Publication Date2023-04
Analysis of contact Cauchy-Riemann maps III: Energy, bubbling and Fredholm theory
Yong-Geun Oh
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, v.13, no.1, pp.1 - 61
Publication Date2022-05
Equivariant wrapped Floer homology and symmetric periodic Reeb orbits
Kim, Joontae; Kim, Seongchan; MYEONGGI KWON
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, v.42, no.5, pp.1708 - 1763
Publication Date2023-02
Horizon area bound and MOTS stability in locally rotationally symmetric solutions
Abbas M Sherif; Dunsby, P.K.S.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, v.40, no.4