Publication Date2022-09
Borcherds products of half-integral weight
Haowu Wang; Williams, Brandon
JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY, v.238, pp.944 - 950
Publication Date2022-11
Conway invariant Jacobi forms on the Leech lattice
Sun, Kaiwen; Haowu Wang
FORUM MATHEMATICUM, v.34, no.6, pp.1591 - 1619
Publication Date2022-05
Reflective modular forms on lattices of prime level
Haowu Wang
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, v.375, no.5, pp.3451 - 3468
Publication Date2022-12
Theta blocks related to root systems
Dittmann, Moritz; Haowu Wang
Mathematische Annalen, v.384, no.3-4, pp.1157 - 1180