Publication Date2024-10
Equivalent criterion for the grand Riemann hypothesis associated with Maass cusp forms
Banerjee, Soumyarup; Rahul Kumar
Royal Society of Edinburgh - Proceedings A, v.154, no.5, pp.1348 - 1363
Publication Date2024-09
Dimers for type D relativistic Toda model
Lee, Kimyeong; Norton Lee
Journal of High Energy Physics, v.2024, no.9
Publication Date2024-08
Generalized Calogero-Moser system and supergroup gauge origami
Kimura, Taro; Norton Lee
Nuclear Physics B, v.1005
Publication Date2024-08
A note on a generalization of the Castelnuovo-de Franchis theorem
Luca Rizzi; Zucconi, Francesco
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, v.73, pp.1993 - 1999
Publication Date2024-07
2n2-inequality for cA1 points and applications to birational rigidity
Igor Krylov; Okada, Takuzo; Paemurru, Erik, et al
Compositio Mathematica, v.160, no.7, pp.1551 - 1595
Publication Date2024-07
Jaeyoung Choi; Yong-Geun Oh
Osaka Journal of Mathematics, v.61, no.3, pp.419 - 465
Publication Date2024-07
Exotic families of symplectic manifolds with Milnor fibers of ADE-type
Choa, Dongwook; Karabas, Dogancan; Sangjin Lee
Mathematische Zeitschrift, v.307, no.4
Publication Date2024-06
di-Langlands correspondence and extended observables
Jeong, Saebyeok; Norton Lee; Nekrasov, Nikita
Journal of High Energy Physics, v.2024, no.6
Publication Date2024-06
Beyond Wilson? Carroll from current deformations
Bagchi, Arjun; Banerjee, Aritra; Mondal, Saikat, et al
Journal of High Energy Physics, v.2024, no.6
Publication Date2024-05
Contact instantons with Legendrian boundary condition: A priori estimates, asymptotic convergence and index formula
Yong-Geun Oh; Seungook Yu
International Journal of Mathematics, v.35, no.7
Publication Date2024-04
Cut-and-join operators in cohomological field theory and topological recursion
Alexander Alexandrov
Selecta Mathematica, New Series, v.30, no.3
Publication Date2024-04
Towards a higher-dimensional construction of stable/unstable Lagrangian laminations
Sangjin Lee
Algebraic and Geometric Topology, v.24, no.2, pp.655 - 716
Publication Date2024-04
Construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic disks: II
Fukaya, Kenji; Yong-Geun Oh; Ohta, Hiroshi, et al
Advances in Mathematics, v.442
Publication Date2024-04
Lagrangian multi-sections and their toric equivariant mirror
Yong-Geun Oh; Yat-Hin Suen
Advances in Mathematics, v.441
Publication Date2024-02
Regularity properties of k-Brjuno and Wilton functions
Seul Bee Lee; Stefano Marmi; Izabela Petrykiewicz, et al
Aequationes Mathematicae, v.98, pp.13 - 85
Publication Date2024-01
Partial Collapsing Degeneration of Floer Trajectories and Adiabatic Gluing
Yong-Geun Oh; Zhu, Ke
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, v.40, no.1, pp.161 - 249
Publication Date2023-12
Permutation Module Decomposition of the Second Cohomology of a Regular Semisimple Hessenberg Variety
Cho, Soojin; Jaehyun Hong; Eunjeong Lee
International Mathematics Research Notices, v.2023, no.24, pp.22004 - 22044
Publication Date2023-12
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics as a symplecto-contact reduction and relative information entropy
Jin-wook Lim; Yong-Geun Oh
Reports on Mathematical Physics, v.92, no.3, pp.347 - 400
Publication Date2023-12
Unique toric structure on a Fano Bott manifold
Cho, Yunhyung; Eunjeong Lee; Masuda, Mikiya, et al
Journal of Symplectic Geometry, v.21, no.3, pp.439 - 462
Publication Date2023-11
Noncommutative tensor triangulated categories and coherent frames
Mallick, Vivek Mohan; Samarpita Ray
Comptes Rendus Mathematique, v.361, pp.1415 - 1427