Browsing centerforclimatephysics기후물리연구단 byKeyword : lifecycle
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Publication Date2018-04
Dynamics-Oriented Diagnostics for the Madden-Julian Oscillation
Wang, Bin; Sun-Seon Lee; Waliser, Duane E., et al
JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, v.31, no.8, pp.3117 - 3135
Publication Date2019-06
Explosive Cyclogenesis around the Korean Peninsula in May 2016 from a Potential Vorticity Perspective: Case Study and Numerical Simulations
Heo, Ki-Young; Kyung-Ja Ha; Ha, Taemin
ATMOSPHERE, v.10, no.6
Publication Date2019-10
The Tibetan Plateau Uplift is Crucial for Eastward Propagation of Madden-Julian Oscillation
Yang, YM; Lee, JY; Wang, B
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.9, no.1, pp.15478