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Two-hole structure outside Ni-78: Existence of a mu s isomer of Co-76 and beta decay into Ni-76

Cited 12 time in webofscience Cited 11 time in scopus
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Two-hole structure outside Ni-78: Existence of a mu s isomer of Co-76 and beta decay into Ni-76
Söderström, P.-A.; Nishimura, S.; Xu, Z.Y.; Sieja, K.; Werner, V.; Doornenbal, P.; Lorusso, G.; Browne, F.; Gey, G.; Jung, H.S.; Sumikama, T.; Taprogge, J.; Vajta, Z.; Watanabe, H.; Wu, J.; Baba, H.; Dombradi, Z.; Franchoo, S.; Isobe, T.; John, P.R.; Yong Kyun Kim; Kojouharov, I.; Kurz, N.; Young Kwan Kwon; Li, Z.; Matea, I.; Matsui, K.; Martínez-Pinedo, G.; Mengoni, D.; Morfouace, P.; Napoli, D.R.; Niikura, M.; Nishibata, H.; Odahara, A.; Ogawa, K.; Pietralla, N.; Şahin, E.; Sakurai, H.; Schaffner, H.; Sohler, D.; Stefan, I.G.; Suzuki, D.; Taniuchi, R.; Yagi, A.; Yoshinaga, K.
Publication Date
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, v.92, no.5, pp.051305-1 - 051305-5
American Physical Society
In the EURICA campaign aimed at exploration of the Ni-78 region, an isomeric state of Co-76 has been observed via gamma-ray spectroscopy. The nuclei were produced by in-flight fission of a U-238 beam at the Radioactive Isotope-Beam Factory. Two coincident gamma rays of 192.02(30) and 446.4(7) keV from the decay of a t(1/2) = 2.96((29)(25)) mu s isomeric state of Co-76 have been observed. The decay of the isomer was assigned to an E1 transition with a reduced transition probability of B(E1; 3(+) -> 2(-)) = 1.79(16) x 10(-8) W.u. A beta-decaying state with spin-parity 1(-) and a half-life of 16(4) ms was also observed in the data, and the known state with a half-life of 22((7)(5)) ms was assigned to have a spin-parity of 8(-). Furthermore, the isomer of Ni-76 has been remeasured to 547.8(33) ns giving a B(E2; 8(+) -> 6(+)) value of 0.786(5) W.u. A new excited state at 2994.6(5) keV, decaying via a gamma ray of 2004.5(4) keV, has also been observed. This is in agreement with either of the predicted 0(2)(+) or 2(2)(+) states. These results are discussed in terms of the shell model and the interaction of the nu p(1/2) and pi f(7/2) orbitals.
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