Center for Vascular Research(혈관 연구단)98

Center for Vascular Research혈관 연구단

Our ultimate goal is to make ground-breaking discoveries, conceptual advances and paradigm shifts in vascular biology through basic and fundamental research. In particular, we will focus on further understanding of "organotypic" EC heterogeneity, angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, cardiogenesis, vascular remodeling, and vascular niche with the integration of biomedical science and innovative technology. We will aim to 1) identify novel key regulators and clarify their mechanisms in organotypic endothelial cell heterogeneity, angiogenesis, and vascular remodeling and regeneration, 2) identify novel key regulators and clarify their mechanisms in the interaction between endothelial cells and pericytes, 3) unveil the critical roles of key molecules in organotypic lymphangiogenesis, lymphatic remodeling, and lymphatic functions in the extra- and intra-nodal tissues, 4) identify cardioblasts and clarify their characteristics and effective applications for cardiac regeneration, and 5) undertake creative approaches and develop innovative methods for angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, vascular remodeling, and cardiogenesis.

To do so, we will use not only our currently established methods, technologies, reagents and experimental animals, but we will also set up several core facilities for the generation of genetically modified mice, advanced imaging technology, and gene, cell and tissue analyses. Moreover, we will combine and fuse aspects of biomedical sciences and engineering via multi-faceted and multidisciplinary approaches to implement high-quality, creative ideas and take on innovative challenges. Successful achievement of these aims will not only shed light on unexplored paths to understand the regulations of cardiovascular functions in an organ-specific manner, but also enable us to develop new drugs and stem cells to treat cardiovascular diseases, including cancer, diabetic vasculopathy and ischemic heart diseases, as translational medicine.


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