Browsing centerforgenomeengineering유전체교정연구단 byAuthor : 12176
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Publication Date2024-08
C-ter100 peptide derived from Vibrio vEP-45 protease acts as a pathogen-associated molecular pattern to induce inflammation and innate immunity
Park, Jung Eun; Ji-Hye Yun; Lee, Weontae, et al
PLoS Pathogens, v.20, no.8
Publication Date2024-04
Everolimus exerts anticancer effects through inhibiting the interaction of matrix metalloproteinase-7 with syndecan-2 in colon cancer cells
Lee, Seohyeon; Jang, Bohee; Hwang, Jisun, et al
American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, v.326, no.4, pp.C1067 - C1079