Publication Date2018-10
Re-Examination of the Decadal Change in the Relationship between the East Asian Summer Monsoon and Indian Ocean SST
Seogyeong Kim; Kyung-Ja Ha; Ruiqiang Ding, et al
ATMOSPHERE, v.9, no.10, pp.395
Publication Date2024-04
Re-order parameter of interacting thermodynamic magnets
Byung Cheol Park; Lee, Howon; Oh, Sang Hyup, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1
Publication Date2020-09
Reaching and violating thermodynamic uncertainty bounds in information engines
Govind Paneru; Sandipan Dutta; Tsvi Tlusty, et al
Physical Review e, v.102, no.3, pp.1 - 6
Publication Date2017-05
Reaction chemistry in rechargeable Li-O-2 batteries
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Hee-Dae Lim; Byungju Lee; Youngjoon Bae, et al
CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS, v.46, no.10, pp.2873 - 2888
Publication Date2022-11
Reaction Cycle of Operating Pump Protein Studied with Single-Molecule Spectroscopy
Saurabh Talele; John T. King
CHEMPHYSCHEM, v.23, no.21
Publication Date2021-06-07
Reaction of a Molybdenum Bis(dinitrogen) Complex with Carbon Dioxide: A Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation
Pal, Raja; Suyeon Kim; Woojong Lee, et al
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v.60, no.11, pp.7708 - 7718
Publication Date2017-01
Reactive-Oxygen-Species-Responsive Drug Delivery Systems: Promises and Challenges
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Gurusamy Saravanakumar; Jihoon Kim; Won Jong Kim
ADVANCED SCIENCE, v.4, no.1, pp.1600124
Publication Date2015-05
Reactively sputtered nickel nitride as electrocatalytic counter electrode for dye- and quantum dot-sensitized solar cells
Jin Soo Kang; Park M.-A.; Kim J.-Y., et al
Publication Date2020-11
Reactivities of cyclam derivatives with metal-amyloid-β
Gunhee Kim; Evan Lelong; Juhye Kang, et al
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS, v.7, no.21, pp.4222 - 4238
Publication Date2018-08
Reactivity of Morita-Baylis-Hillman Adducts in C-H Functionalization of (Hetero)aryl Nitrones: Access to Bridged Cycles and Carbazoles
Ashok Kumar Pandey; Dahye Kang; Sang Hoon Han, et al
ORGANIC LETTERS, v.20, no.15, pp.4632 - 4636
Publication Date2017-03
Reading and writing single-atom magnets
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Fabian D. Natterer; Kai Yang; William Paul, et al
NATURE, v.543, no.7644, pp.226 - 231
Publication Date2023-09
Real Hopf insulator
Hyeongmuk Lim; Sunje Kim; Bohm-Jung Yang
Physical Review B, v.108, no.12
Publication Date2017-02
Real nerve agent study assessing pyridyl reactivity: Selective fluorogenic and colorimetric detection of Soman and simulant
Youngsam Kim; Yoon Jeong Jang; Dongyoul Lee, et al
Publication Date2019-10
Calin Iuliu Lazaroiu; C. S. Shabazi
ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, v.23, no.5, pp.749 - 836
Publication Date2022-11
Real-space imaging and control of chiral anomaly induced current at room temperature in topological Dirac semimetal
Park, Byung Cheol; Taewoo Ha; Kyung Ik Sim, et al
Science Advances, v.8, no.47
Publication Date2021-02-19
Real-space imaging of acoustic plasmons in large-area graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition
Menabde, Sergey G.; Lee, In-Ho; Sanghyub Lee, et al
Publication Date2021-12
Real-space imaging of nanoparticle transport and interaction dynamics by graphene liquid cell TEM
Sungsu Kang; Kim, Ji-Hyun; Lee, Minyoung, et al
Science Advances, v.7, no.49
Publication Date2019-08
Real-Space Mapping of the Two-Dimensional Phase Diagrams in Attractive Colloidal Systems
Bo Li; Xiuming Xiao; Shuxia Wang, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW X, v.9, no.3, pp.031032
Publication Date2017-01
Real-Space, in Situ Maps of Hydrogel Pores
Lingxiang Jiang; Steve Granick
ACS NANO, v.11, no.1, pp.204 - 212
Publication Date2024-10
Real-time deep learning-assisted mechano-acoustic system for respiratory diagnosis and multifunctional classification
Lee, Hee Kyu; Park, Sang Uk; Kong, Sunga, et al
npj Flexible Electronics, v.8, no.1