Publication Date2023-04
Quasiparticles, flat bands and the melting of hydrodynamic matter
Imran Saeed; Hyuk Kyu Pak; Tsvi Tlusty
NATURE PHYSICS, v.19, no.4, pp.536 - 544
Publication Date2016-06
Quasiperiodic driving of Anderson localized waves in one dimension
H. Hatami; C. Danieli; J.D. Bodyfelt, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v.93, no.6, pp.062205
Publication Date2017-03
Quasiphantom categories on a family of surfaces isogenous to a higher product
Kim H.K.; Kim Y.-H.; Kyoung-Seog Lee
JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, v.473, pp.591 - 606
Publication Date2023-11
Quasiprojectile breakup and isospin equilibration at Fermi energies: Potential indication of longer projectile-target contact times
Ciampi, C.; Piantelli, S.; Casini, G., et al
Physical Review C, v.108, no.5
Publication Date2024-10
Quasistatic magnetism in the breathing pyrochlore antiferromagnets LiGa1−xInxCr4O8 (x=0.2, 0.5)
W.Lee; Yoon, S.; Choi, Y. S., et al
Physical Review B, v.110, no.14
Publication Date2020-09
Quench dynamics in disordered two-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii lattices
Arindam Mallick; Mithun Thudiyangal; Sergej Flach
Physical Review a, v.102, no.3, pp.033301
Publication Date2019-03
Quenching factor measurement for NaI(Tl) scintillation crystal
Joo H.W.; Park H.S.; Kim J.H., et al
ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, v.108, pp.50 - 56
Publication Date2023-08
Quenching of a no-insulation high-temperature superconducting magnet
Ahn, Moo Hyun; Byeong Su Yang; Lee, Youngjae, et al
Review of Scientific Instruments, v.94, no.8
Publication Date2019-05
R parity from string compactification
Jihn E. Kim
Physical Review d, v.99, no.9, pp.093004
Publication Date2022-05
r-BN: A fine hyperbolic dispersion modulator for bulk metamaterials consisting of heterostructured nanohybrids of h-BN and graphene
Myeongjeong Lee; Lee, Eunsil; Sejin Byun, et al
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, v.309
Publication Date2021-12
R-matrix theory with level-dependent boundary condition parameters
Tae-Sun Park
Physical Review c, v.104, no.6
Publication Date2014-07
R. S. WebTool, a web server for random sampling-based significance evaluation of pairwise distances
Villiers, F; Bastien, O; June Myoung Kwak
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, v.42, no.W1, pp.W198 - W204
Publication Date2024-04
RAD51 separation of function mutation disables replication fork maintenance but preserves DSB repair
Son, Mi Young; Belan, Ondrej; Spirek, Mario, et al
iScience, v.27, no.4
Publication Date2017-11
Radially Phase Segregated PtCu@PtCuNi Dendrite@Frame Nanocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Jongsik Park; Mrinal Kanti Kabiraz; Hyukbu Kwon, et al
ACS NANO, v.11, no.11, pp.10844 - 10851
Publication Date2020-03
Radiation hardness study for the COMET Phase-I electronics
Yu Nakazawa; Yuki Fujii; Ewen Gillies, et al
Publication Date2016-07
Radiation pressure acceleration of protons to 93 MeV with circularly polarized petawatt laser pulses
I Jong Kim; Ki Hong Pae; Il Woo Choi, et al
PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, v.23, no.7, pp.070701
Publication Date2019-09
Radiative corrections to triple Higgs coupling and electroweak phase transition: Beyond one-loop analysis
Eibun Senaha
physical review d, v.100, no.5, pp.055034
Publication Date2023-05
Radio frequency cantilever-free scanning probe microscopy
Gwangmook Kim; YoungJun Cho; Min-Kyun Cho, et al
Journal of Applied Physics, v.133, no.19
Publication Date2018-06
Radio telescope search for the resonant conversion of cold dark matter axions from the magnetized astrophysical sources
Fa Peng Huang; Kenji Kadota; Toyokazu Sekiguchi, et al
Physical Review d, v.97, no.12, pp.1223001
Publication Date2018-05
Radiogenomics correlation between MR imaging features and major genetic profiles in glioblastoma
Eun Kyoung Hong; Seung Hong Choi; Dong Jae Shin, et al
EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY, v.28, no.10, pp.4350 - 4361