Publication Date2023-06
First Observation of the β3αp Decay of O 13 via β -Delayed Charged-Particle Spectroscopy
Bishop, J.; Rogachev, G.V.; S. Ahn, et al
Physical Review Letters, v.130, no.22
Publication Date2022-03
First observation of the π0h11/2-ν0h9/2 partner orbital configuration in the odd-odd i 138 nucleus
B. Moon; Gargano, A.; Naidja, H., et al
Physical Review C, v.105, no.3
Publication Date2022-03
First observation of the π0h11/2-ν0h9/2 partner orbital configuration in the odd-odd i 138 nucleus
Byul Moon; Gargano, A.; Naidja, H., et al
Physical Review C, v.105, no.3
Publication Date2015-03
First result of the experimental search for the 9.4 keV solar axion reactions with 83Kr in the copper proportional counter
Gavrilyuk Y.M.; Gangapshev A.M.; Derbin A.V., et al
PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI, v.46, no.2, pp.152 - 156
Publication Date2021-05
First Results from an Axion Haloscope at CAPP around 10.7 mu eV
Highly Cited Paper
Ohjoon Kwon; Doyu Lee; Woohyun Chung, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.126, no.19, pp.191802-1 - 191802-6
Publication Date2019-09
First results from the AMoRE-Pilot neutrinoless double beta decay experiment
Alenkov, V; Bae, HW; Beyer, J, et al
Publication Date2022-08
First results from the INDRA-FAZIA apparatus on isospin diffusion in Ni 58,64 + Ni 58,64 systems at Fermi energies
Ciampi, C.; Piantelli, S.; Casini, G., et al
Physical Review C, v.106, no.2
Publication Date2021-10-08
First results of the CAST-RADES haloscope search for axions at 34.67 μeV
Alvarez, Melcon A.; Arguedas, Cuendis S.; Baier, J., et al
Journal of High Energy Physics, v.2021, no.10
Publication Date2019-12
First results on the search for chameleons with the KWISP detector at CAST
Arguedas Cuendis S.; Baier J.; Barth K., et al
Publication Date2023-07
First Search for Axionlike Particles in a Storage Ring Using a Polarized Deuteron Beam
Karanth, S.; Stephenson, E. J.; Seungpyo Chang, et al
Physical Review X, v.13, no.3
Publication Date2016-04
First search for Lorentz and CPT violation in double beta decay with EXO-200
Albert, JB; Barbeau, PS; Beck, D, et al
Physical Review d, v.93, no.7
Publication Date2021-06
First spectroscopic study of v 63 at the N=40 island of inversion
Juhasz, M.M.; Elekes, Z.; Sohler, D., et al
Physical Review c, v.103, no.6
Publication Date2023-06
First successful synthesis of an Al-rich mesoporous aluminosilicate for fast radioactive strontium capture
Jeon, H.; Seok, J.; Ha, Y., et al
Journal of Hazardous Materials, v.451
Publication Date2022-08
First-order nature of the spin-reorientation phase transition in SmCr O3
Sau, Tusita; Sharma, Shivani; Poonam Yadav, et al
Physical Review B, v.106, no.6
Publication Date2015-11
First-principles investigation of wet-chemical routes for the hydrogenation of graphene
Yevhen Horbatenko; Min Choi; Rodney S. Ruoff, et al
CARBON, v.93, pp.421 - 430
Publication Date2019-08
First-Principles Investigations on Sodium Superionic Conductor Na11Sn2PS12
Oh K.; Chang D.; Park I., et al
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v.31, no.16, pp.6066 - 6075
Publication Date2014-02
First-principles simulation of the optical response of bulk and thin-film α-quartz irradiated with an ultrashort intense laser pulse
Kyung-Min Lee; Chul Min Kim; Shunsuke A. Sato, et al
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, v.115, no.5, pp.053519-1 - 053519-8
Publication Date2016-08
First-Principles Study of the Role of O2 and H2O in the Decoupling of Graphene on Cu(111)
Kester Wong; Seok Ju Kang; Christopher W. Bielawski, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.138, no.34, pp.10986 - 10994
Publication Date2019-07
First-row early transition metal complexes with a highly sterically demanding triisopropylphenyl amino triphenolate ligand: Synthesis and applications
Dae Young Bae; Park G.S.; Nakeun Ko, et al
DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v.48, no.26, pp.9617 - 9624
Publication Date2017-11
Fitness consequences of a clock pollinator filter in Nicotiana attenuata flowers in nature
Yon F.; Kessler D.; Joo Y., et al