Publication Date2018-04
Electrical and Optical Properties of VO2 Polymorphic Films Grown Epitaxially on Y-Stabilized ZrO2
Songhee Choi; Sung-jin Chang; Junhyeob Oh, et al
ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v.4, no.6, pp.1700620-1 - 1700620-6
Publication Date2015-12
Electronic structure and insulating gap in epitaxial VO2 polymorphs
Shinbuhm Lee; Tricia L. Meyer; Chang Hee Sohn, et al
APL MATERIALS, v.3, no.12, pp.126109
Publication Date2019-03
Influence of hydrogen incorporation on conductivity and work function of VO2 nanowires
Jae-Eun Kim; Jung Yeol Shin; Hyun-Seok Jang, et al
NANOSCALE, v.11, no.10, pp.4219 - 4225
Publication Date2022-09
Orbital-selective Mott and Peierls transition in HxVO2
Soyeun Kim; Backes, Steffen; Yoon, Hyojin, et al