Publication Date2013-05
One-pot catalysis of dehydrogenation of cyclohexanones to phenols and oxidative Heck coupling: expedient synthesis of coumarins
Donghee Kim; Minsik Min; Sung Woo Hong
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v.49, no.38, pp.4021 - 4023
Publication Date2013-05
Fire in a Quantum Mechanical Forest
Je-Geun Park; Carley Paulsen
Physics, v.6, no.55
Publication Date2013-05
IL-7/anti-IL-7 mAb complexes augment cytokine potency in mice through association with IgG-Fc and by competition with IL-7R.
Christopher E. Martin; Ester M. M. van Leeuwen; Se Jin Im, et al
BLOOD, v.121, no.22, pp.4484 - 4492
Publication Date2013-04
Lagrangian Floer theory over integers: Spherically positive symplectic manifolds
Kenji Fukaya; Yong-Geun Oh; Hiroshi Ohta, et al
Publication Date2013-04
High-resolution three-photon biomedical imaging using doped ZnS nanocrystals
Jung Ho Yu; Kwon, Seung-Hae; Petrasek, Zdenek, et al
NATURE MATERIALS, v.12, no.4, pp.359 - 366
Publication Date2013-04
Advances in the Colloidal Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanoribbons
Jiwoong Yang; Jae Sung Son; Jung Ho Yu, et al
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v.25, no.8, pp.1190 - 1198
Publication Date2013-04
The effective nuclear delivery of doxorubicin from dextran-coated gold nanoparticles larger than nuclear pores
Hongje Jang; Soo-Ryoon Ryoo; Kostarelos, Kostas, et al
BIOMATERIALS, v.34, no.13, pp.3503 - 3510
Publication Date2013-04
Down-regulation of RalBP1 expression reduces seizure threshold and synaptic inhibition in mice
Young-Soo Bae; Woosuk Chung; Kihoon Han, et al
Publication Date2013-04
Effect of surface morphology on friction of graphene on various substrates
Dae-Hyun Cho; Lei Wang; Jin-Seon Kim, et al
NANOSCALE, v.5, no.7, pp.3063 - 3069
Publication Date2013-04
Tailoring the Electronic Structure of Nanoelectrocatalysts Induced by a Surface-Capping Organic Molecule for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Young-Hoon Chung; Dong Young Chung; Namgee Jung, et al
Publication Date2013-04
A New Helicase Assay Based on Graphene Oxide for Anti-Viral Drug Development
Hongje Jang; Soo-Ryoon Ryoo; Min Jae Lee, et al
MOLECULES AND CELLS, v.35, no.4, pp.269 - 273
Publication Date2013-04
Copper-mediated transformation of organosilanes to nitriles with DMF and ammonium iodide
Zhen Wang; Chang S.
ORGANIC LETTERS, v.15, no.8, pp.1990 - 1993
Publication Date2013-04
Characterization of the Surface Acidity of MFI Zeolite Nanosheets by 31P NMR of Adsorbed Phosphine Oxides and Catalytic Cracking of Decalin
Yongbeom Seo; Kanghee Cho; Younjae Jung, et al
ACS CATALYSIS, v.3, no.4, pp.713 - 720
Publication Date2013-04
Exciton Dissociation and Charge-Transport Enhancement in Organic Solar Cells with Quantum-Dot/N-doped CNT Hybrid Nanomaterials
Ju Min Lee; Kwon, BH; Hyung Il Park, et al
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.25, no.14, pp.2011 - 2017
Publication Date2013-04
Solvent-Dependent Molecular Structure of Ionic Species Directly Measured by Ultrafast X-Ray Solution Scattering
Kyung Hwan Kim; Jae Hyuk Lee; Kim, Joonghan, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.110, no.16, pp.165505
Publication Date2013-04
Quantum computation with rotational states of nonpolar ionic molecules
Sang Jae Yun; Chang Hee Nam
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, v.87, no.4, pp.40302-1 - 40302-5
Publication Date2013-04
Ultrafast direct imaging using a single high harmonic burst
Kyougn Hwan Lee; Seung Beom Park; Himanshu Singhal, et al
OPTICS LETTERS, v.38, no.8, pp.1253 - 1255
Publication Date2013-04
Impact of Water Corrosion on Nanoscale Conductance on Aluminum Doped Zinc Oxide
Jong Hun Kim; Hyunsoo Lee; Sunghyun Choi, et al
THIN SOLID FILMS, v.547, no.29, pp.163 - 167
Publication Date2013-04
Highly Selective Macrocycle Formations by Metathesis Catalysts Fixated in Nanopores
Joo-Eun Jee; Jian Liang Cheong; Jaehong Lim, et al
JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v.78, no.7, pp.3048 - 3056
Publication Date2013-04
Molecular shape-selectivity of MFI zeolite nanosheets in n-decane isomerization and hydrocracking
Verheyen, Elke; Changbum Jo; Kurttepeli, Mert, et al
JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, v.300, pp.70 - 80