Publication Date2018-12
A measurement of the scintillation decay time constant of nuclear recoils in liquid xenon with the XMASS-I detector
The XMASS collaboration, Abe K.; Hiraide K.; Ichimura K., et al
JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, v.13, no.12, pp.P12032
Publication Date2018-12
Search for dark matter in the form of hidden photons and axion-like particles in the XMASS detector
Abe K.; Hiraide K.; Ichimura K., et al
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.787, pp.153 - 158
Publication Date2019-08
Search for sub-GeV dark matter by annual modulation using XMASS-I detector
XMASS Collaboration; Kobayashi M.; Abe K., et al
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.795, pp.308 - 313
Publication Date2019-07
Search for WIMP- 129 Xe inelastic scattering with particle identification in XMASS-I
Suzuki T.; Abe K.; Hiraide K., et al