Publication Date2022-02
A 3.1-5.2GHz, Energy-Efficient Single Antenna, Cancellation-Free, Bitwise Time-Division Duplex Transceiver for High Channel Count Optogenetic Neural Interface
Yu-Ju Lin; Hyunsoo Song; Sungjin Oh, et al
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, v.16, no.1, pp.52 - 63
Publication Date2022-01
A Miniaturized 256-Channel Neural Recording Interface With Area-Efficient Hybrid Integration of Flexible Probes and CMOS Integrated Circuits
Sung-Yun Park; Kyounghwan Na; Mihaly Voroslakos, et al
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, v.69, no.1, pp.334 - 346
Publication Date2019-12
Low-power, bio-inspired time-stamp-based 2-d optic flow sensor for artificial compound eyes of micro air vehicles
Seokjun Park; Kyuseok Lee; Hyunsoo Song, et al
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, v.19, no.24, pp.12059 - 12068