Publication Date2023-04
A Rapid Method for Generating Infectious SARS-CoV-2 and Variants Using Mutagenesis and Circular Polymerase Extension Cloning
Kim, Beom Kyu; Choi, Won-Suk; Jeong, Ju Hwan, et al
Microbiology spectrum, v.11, no.2
Publication Date2022-12
Combination therapy with nirmatrelvir and molnupiravir improves the survival of SARS-CoV-2 infected mice
Jeong, Ju Hwan; Chokkakula, Santosh; Min, Seong Cheol, et al
Antiviral Research, v.208
Publication Date2023-02
Development of a Universal Cloning System for Reverse Genetics of Human Enteroviruses
Choi, Won-Suk; Oh, Sol; Antigua, Khristine Joy C., et al
MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM, v.11, no.1, pp.1 - 13
Publication Date2023-08
Evaluating Z-FA-FMK, a host cathepsin L protease inhibitor, as a potent and broad-spectrum antiviral therapy against SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses
Jeong, Ju Hwan; Choi, Jang-Hoon; Kim, Beom Kyu, et al
Antiviral Research, v.216
Publication Date2024-04
Mammalian adaptation risk in HPAI H5N8: a comprehensive model bridging experimental data with mathematical insights
Chokkakula, Santosh; Oh, Sol; Choi, Won-Suk, et al
Emerging Microbes & Infections, v.13, no.1
Publication Date2023-09
SARS-CoV-2 variants with NSP12 P323L/G671S mutations display enhanced virus replication in ferret upper airways and higher transmissibility
Se-Mi Kim; Eun-Ha Kim; Casel, Mark Anthony B., et al
Cell Reports, v.42, no.9