Publication Date2023-01
A cellular hierarchy of Notch and Kras signaling controls cell fate specification in the developing mouse salivary gland
Chatzeli, Lemonia; Bordeu, Ignacio; Han, Seungmin, et al
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL, v.58, no.2, pp.94 - 109
Publication Date2022-05
p57Kip2 imposes the reserve stem cell state of gastric chief cells
Lee, Ji-Hyun; Kim, Somi; Han, Seungmin, et al
Cell Stem Cell, v.29, no.5, pp.826 - 839.e9
Publication Date2024-06
Red2Flpe-SCON: a versatile, multicolor strategy for generating mosaic conditional knockout mice
Wu, Szu-Hsien Sam; Kim, Somi; Heetak Lee, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1