Publication Date2023-07
A general model-based causal inference method overcomes the curse of synchrony and indirect effect
Se Ho Park; Seokmin Ha; Jae Kyoung Kim
Nature Communications, v.14, no.1
Publication Date2023-09
Predicting the Risk of Sleep Disorders Using a Machine Learning-Based Simple Questionnaire: Development and Validation Study
Seokmin Ha; Choi, Su Jung; Lee, Sujin, et al
Journal of medical Internet research, v.25, no.1, pp.e46520
Publication Date2022-10
Validation of the Korean version of the Metacognitions Questionnaire-Insomnia (MCQ-I) scale and development of shortened versions using the random forest approach
Lee, Joohee; Seokmin Ha; Ahmed, Oli, et al
Sleep Medicine, v.98, pp.53 - 61