Publication Date2021-06-07
A new high-voltage calcium intercalation host for ultra-stable and high-power calcium rechargeable batteries
Xu, Zheng-Long; Park, Jooha; Wang, Jian, et al
Nature Communications, v.12, no.1
Publication Date2022-09
Detrimental effect of high-temperature storage on sulfide-based all-solid-state batteries
Yoon, Kyungho; Kim, Hwiho; Han, Sangwook, et al
Applied Physics Reviews, v.9, no.3
Publication Date2024-05
Macroscale Inhomogeneity in Electrochemical Lithium-Metal Plating Triggered by Electrolyte-Dependent Gas Phase Evolution
Kim, Kyoungoh; Ko, Youngmin; Tamwattana, Orapa, et al
Advanced Energy Materials, v.14, no.18
Publication Date2022-10
Reconfiguring Sodium Intercalation Process of TiS2 Electrode for Sodium-Ion Batteries by a Partial Solvent Cointercalation
Park, Jooha; Kim, Sung Joo; Lim, Kyungmi, et al
ACS ENERGY LETTERS, v.7, no.10, pp.3718 - 3726