Publication Date2024-10
Evolution of the two-neutron configuration from 11Li to 13Li
Andre, P.; Corsi, A.; Revel, A., et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.857
Publication Date2024-07
Precise Spectroscopy of the 3n and 3p Systems via the H 3 (t, He 3)3n and He 3 (He 3, t)3p Reactions at Intermediate Energies
Miki, K.; Kameya, K.; Sakai, D., et al
Physical Review Letters, v.133, no.1
Publication Date2021-02-23
Quasifree Neutron Knockout Reaction Reveals a Small s-Orbital Component in the Borromean Nucleus B-17
Yang, Z. H.; Kubota, Y.; Corsi, A., et al
Publication Date2023-05
Searching for universality of dineutron correlation at the surface of Borromean nuclei
Corsi, A.; Kubota, Y.; Casal, J., et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.840
Publication Date2020-12
Surface Localization of the Dineutron in Li-11
Kubota, Y.; Corsi, A.; Authelet, G., et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.125, no.25, pp.1 - 7