Publication Date2020-02
Accumulation of Positrons from a LINAC Based Source
Niang, S; Charlton, M; Choi, JJ, et al
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, v.137, no.2, pp.164 - 166
Publication Date2014-09
Advanced Hybrid Supercapacitor Based on a Mesoporous Niobium Pentoxide/Carbon as High-Performance Anode
Highly Cited Paper
Lim, E; Kim, H; Jo, C, et al
ACS NANO, v.8, no.9, pp.8968 - 8978
Publication Date2020-02
Development of a PbWO4 Detector for Single-Shot Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy at the GBAR Experiment
Kim, BH; Choi, JJ; Chung, M, et al
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, v.137, no.2, pp.122 - 125