Publication Date2023-04
FTO negatively regulates the cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells
Kim, Seok-Min; Oh, Se-Chan; Lee, Sun-Young, et al
EMBO Reports, v.24, no.4
Publication Date2025-02
Transcriptomic landscapes of STING-mediated DNA-sensing reveal cellular response heterogeneity
Kong, Ling-Zu; Jang, In-Hwan; Wang, Chunli, et al
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v.288
Publication Date2023-11
Understanding nucleic acid sensing and its therapeutic applications
Kong, Ling-Zu; Kim, Seok-Min; Wang, Chunli, et al
Experimental and Molecular Medicine, v.55, no.11, pp.2320 - 2331