Publication Date2024-10
Effect of Programed Walking Exercise Using Bot Fit in Younger Adults
Lee, Su-Hyun; Kim, Eunmi; Jinuk Kim, et al
Sports Medicine - Open, v.10, no.1
Publication Date2024-05
Temporal Transcriptome Profiling of Pinus densiflora Infected with Pine Wood Nematode Reveals Genetically Programmed Changes upon Pine Wilt Disease
Lee, Il Hwan; Choi, Bae Young; Kim, Dong Soo, et al
Phytopathology, v.114, no.5, pp.982 - 989
Publication Date2024-07
Use of cortical hemodynamic responses in digital therapeutics for upper limb rehabilitation in patients with stroke
Jinuk Kim; Kim, Eunmi; Lee, Su-Hyun, et al
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, v.21, no.1