Publication Date2017-10
Electrodynamic properties of the semimetallic Dirac material SrMnBi2: Two-carrier-model analysis
H. J. Park; Byung Cheol Park; Min-Cheol Lee, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.96, no.15, pp.155139
Publication Date2014-04
Phonon-assisted optical excitation in the narrow bandgap Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7
Hyun Ju Park; Chang Hee Sohn; Da Woon Jeong, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.89, no.15, pp.155115
Publication Date2020-04
Rotation of reflectivity anisotropy due to uniaxial strain along [110](tetr) in the electron-doped Fe-based superconductor Ba(Fe0.955Co0.045)(2)As-2
Inho Kwak; Soonsang Huh; Min-Cheol Lee, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.101, no.16, pp.165136
Publication Date2019-04
Strong spin-phonon coupling unveiled by coherent phonon oscillations in Ca2RuO4
Min-Cheol Lee; Choong H. Kim; Inho Kwak, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.99, no.14, pp.144306
Publication Date2019-10
Ultrafast dynamics in the Lifshitz-type 5d pyrochlore antiferromagnet Cd2Os2O7
Inho Kwak; Min-Cheol Lee; Byung Cheol Park, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.100, no.14, pp.144309