Publication Date2018-01
Amplitude Modulation of Anomalously Refracted Terahertz Waves with Gated-Graphene Metasurfaces
Teun-Teun Kim; Hyunjun Kim; Mitchell Kenney, et al
ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, v.6, no.1, pp.1700507
Publication Date2017-09
Electrical access to critical coupling of circularly polarized waves in graphene chiral metamaterials
Teun-Teun Kim; Sang Soon Oh; Hyeon-Don Kim, et al
SCIENCE ADVANCES, v.3, no.9, pp.e1701377
Publication Date2018-05
Electrically Tunable Slow Light Using Graphene Metamaterials
Highly Cited Paper
Teun-Teun Kim; Hyeon-Don Kim; Rongkuo Zhao, et al
ACS PHOTONICS, v.5, no.5, pp.1800 - 1807