Publication Date2023-02
Automated in-depth cerebral arterial labelling using cerebrovascular vasculature reframing and deep neural networks
Hong, S.-W.; Song, H.-N.; Choi, J.-U., et al
Scientific Reports, v.13, no.1
Publication Date2020-12
Mass Distribution of the Fission Products of Plutonium Isotopes as Calculated by Using a Semi-empirical Model
Lee, J.; Lee, Y.-O.; Tae-Sun Park, et al
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.77, no.12, pp.1082 - 1090
Publication Date2020-11
Subtraction Method for an Effective Quasi-monoenergetic Neutron Beam by Using Continuous Energy Spectra
In, E.J.; Min, K.J.; Bak, S.-I., et al
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.77, no.9, pp.740 - 747