Publication Date2021-03-16
COVID-19 Discourse on Twitter in Four Asian Countries: Case Study of Risk Communication
Sungkyu Park; Han, Sungwon; Kim, Jeongwook, et al
Journal of Medical Internet Research, v.23, no.3
Publication Date2023-08
News comment sections and online echo chambers: The ideological alignment between partisan news stories and their user comments
Han, Jiyoung; Lee, Youngin; Lee, Junbum, et al
Journalism, v.24, no.8
Publication Date2022-04
Others Are to Blame: Whom People Consider Responsible for Online Misinformation
Gabriel Lima; Han, Jiyoung; Meeyoung Cha
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, v.6, no.CSCW1
Publication Date2022-02
QAnon shifts into the mainstream, remains a far-right ally
Zihiri, Saifeldeen; Gabriel Lima; Han, Jiyoung, et al
Heliyon, v.8, no.2
Publication Date2023-08
The secret to successful evocative messages: Anger takes the lead in information sharing over anxiety
Han, Jiyoung; Lee, Seung Eon; Meeyoung Cha
Communication Monographs, v.90, no.4, pp.545 - 565