Publication Date2021-09-08
Defect Saturation in a Rapidly Quenched Bose Gas
Goo, Junhong; Younghoon Lim; Yong-il Shin
Physical Review Letters, v.127, no.11
Publication Date2021-06-23
Large-area Rb 87 Bose-Einstein condensate in a clipped-Gaussian optical dipole trap
Younghoon Lim; Goo, Junhong; Kwak, Haneul, et al
Physical Review A, v.103, no.6
Publication Date2022-12
Suppression of spontaneous defect formation in inhomogeneous Bose gases
Myeonghyeon Kim; Tenzin Rabga; Yangheon Lee, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v.106, no.6
Publication Date2022-04
Universal Early Coarsening of Quenched Bose Gases
Goo, Junhong; Yangheon Lee; Younghoon Lim, et al
Physical Review Letters, v.128, no.13
Publication Date2022-08
Vortex shedding frequency of a moving obstacle in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Younghoon Lim; Yangheon Lee; Goo, Junhong, et al