Publication Date2021-02-09
L1 retrotransposons exploit RNA m6A modification as an evolutionary driving force
Sung-Yeon Hwang; Jung, Hyunchul; Mun, Seyoung, et al
Nature Communications, v.12, no.1
Publication Date2022-11
Non-coding de novo mutations in chromatin interactions are implicated in autism spectrum disorder
Kim, Il Bin; Lee, Taeyeop; Lee, Junehawk, et al
MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY, v.27, no.11, pp.4680 - 4694
Publication Date2024-07
Short tandem repeat expansions in cortical layer-specific genes implicate in phenotypic severity and adaptability of autism spectrum disorder
Kim, Jae Hyun; Koh, In Gyeong; Lee, Hyeji, et al
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, v.78, no.7, pp.405 - 415