Publication Date2022-01
Liquid-phase water isotope separation using graphene-oxide membranes
Ching, Karin; Baker, Andy; Tanaka, Ryoji, et al
CARBON, v.186, pp.344 - 354
Publication Date2020-10
SISALv2: a comprehensive speleothem isotope database with multiple age-depth models
Comas-Bru, Laia; Rehfeld, Kira; Roesch, Carla, et al
EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, v.12, no.4, pp.2579 - 2606
Publication Date2024-04
SISALv3: a global speleothem stable isotope and trace element database
Kaushal, Nikita; Lechleitner, Franziska A.; Wilhelm, Micah, et al
Earth System Science Data, v.16, no.4, pp.1933 - 1963