Publication Date2023-11
Search for Boosted Dark Matter in COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Jae Jin Choi, et al
Physical review letters, v.131, no.20
Publication Date2023-08
Search for bosonic super-weakly interacting massive particles at COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Jae Jin Choi, et al
Physical Review D, v.108, no.4
Publication Date2023-11
Search for inelastic WIMP-iodine scattering with COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Jaeyoung Cho, et al
Physical Review D, v.108, no.9
Publication Date2023-06
Search for solar bosonic dark matter annual modulation with COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Jae Jin Choi, et al
Physical Review D, v.107, no.12
Publication Date2022-02
Searching for low-mass dark matter via the Migdal effect in COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Carlin, N.; Choi, J.J., et al
Physical Review D, v.105, no.4
Publication Date2021-08-01
The COSINE-100 liquid scintillator veto system
Adhikari, G.; Barbosa, de Souza E.; Carlin, N., et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, v.1006
Publication Date2022-01
The environmental monitoring system at the COSINE-100 experiment
Kim, H.; Adhikari, G.; Barbosa, de souza E., et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.17, no.1
Publication Date2022-09
Three-year annual modulation search with COSINE-100
Adhikari, G.; Barbosa, De Souza E.; Carlin, N., et al
Physical Review D, v.106, no.5