Optical Transistor for Amplification of Radiation in a Broadband Terahertz Domain K. H. A. Villegas,1 F. V. Kusmartsev,2,3,* Y. Luo,2,† and I. G. Savenko1,4 1Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Daejeon 34126, Korea 2Micro/Nano Fabrication Laboratory (MNFL), Microsystem and Terahertz Research Center, Chengdu, China 3Physics Department, Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3TU, United Kingdom 4A. V. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia (Received 30 December 2018; revised manuscript received 13 October 2019; accepted 23 January 2020; published 26 February 2020) We propose a new type of optical transistor for a broadband amplification of terahertz radiation. It is made of a graphene-superconductor hybrid, where electrons and Cooper pairs couple by Coulomb forces. The transistor operates via the propagation of surface plasmons in both layers, and the origin of amplification is the quantum capacitance of graphene. It leads to terahertz waves amplification, the negative power absorption, and as a result, the system yields positive gain, and the hybrid acts like an optical transistor, operating with the terahertz light. It can, in principle, amplify even a whole spectrum of chaotic signals (or noise), which is required for numerous biological applications. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.087701 The growing interest in the terahertz frequency range (0.3–30 THz) is due to its potential applications in diverse fields such as nondestructive probing in medicine, allowing for noninvasive tumor detection, biosecurity, ultrahigh-band- width wireless communication networks, vehicle control, atmospheric pollution monitoring, intersatellite communica- tion, and spectroscopy [1–4]. However, the terahertz range still remains a challenge for modern technology due to the lack of a compact, powerful, and scalable solid-state source [5]. This problem is known as the “terahertz gap.” To “close” this gap from the lower frequencies, one can mention electronic devices with negative differential resi- stance (NDR). For instance, superlattice electronic devices generate higher harmonics by means of NDR [6] and can reach a 0.5 THz gap, while the output power is less than 0.5 mW [7]. The radiation power of resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) [8] is less than 1 μW, and it further decreases by 3 orders of magnitude at room temperature. Also, RTDs suffer from their small electron transition times and parasitic capacitance, associated with the double-barrier structure. The use of layered high-temperature superconductors (HTSCs) with intrinsic Josephson junctions, such as Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 (bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide) [9–11] can produce radiation with Josephson oscillations generated by an applied bias voltage [12,13]. Here, a tunable emission, from 1 to 11 THz, has been recently observed [14]. However, the power output is 1 μW, which is still inadequate for practical applications. It can be enhanced with the use of Bose-Einstein condensates [15,16]. However, such approach requires a hybridization of several bands with different parity, making the output power small. Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) [17–19] can generate a high-frequency terahertz radiation, while transistors [20–23], Gunn diodes [24], and frequency multipliers [25] are approaching the terahertz gap from the low-frequency side. The latter covers the whole terahertz range, while having small power. The general fundamental obstacle of all these terahertz sources is the small emission rate (on the order of 10 ms). It can be increased with the Purcell effect when terahertz sources are placed in a cavity [26,27], however, the quantum efficiency is still about 1%, and their manufacture is difficult. Graphene and carbon nanotubes may serve as highly tunable sources and detectors of terahertz radiation [28–34], and even in terahertz lasers [35–41]. In the dual-gate graphene-channel field-effect transistor [42] embedded into a cavity resonator [43,44], one observes spontaneous broadband light emission in the 0.1–7.6 THz range with the maximum radiation power of ∼10 μW at a temperature of 100 K. There are also emerging sources of multiple harmonic generation of terahertz radiation in superlattices [45,46], frequency difference generation in midinfrared QCLs [47], and terahertz optical combs [48]. Graphene covered with a thin film of colloidal quantum dots has a strong photoelectric effect, which provides enormous gain for the photodetection (about 108 electrons per photon) [49]; graphene grown on SiC has a strong photoresponse [50], and graphene composites can improve solar cells efficiency [51]. Note, both graphene and the superconductor alone are practically insensitive to light [52]. Here, we show that graphene placed in the vicinity of a superconductor represents an active media with strong light-matter coupling. It can operate as an optical transistor that amplifies broadband electromagnetic radiation. That is useful for studying chemical and biological processes or in telecommunications for encryption-decryption procedures, where it is important to image a whole spectrum. We consider a system consisting of parallel layers of graphene and superconductor, exposed to an electro- magnetic (EM) field incident with the angle θ and linearly PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, 087701 (2020) 0031-9007=20=124(8)=087701(7) 087701-1 © 2020 American Physical Society polarized along the x-z plane (p polarization), Eðr; tÞ ¼ ðsin θ; 0; cos θÞE0e−iðk⊥zþkk·rþωtÞ, where kk, ω, and r are the in-plane wave vector of the field, frequency, and coordinate, respectively (see Fig. 1). Between the graphene layer and superconductor there is a gate voltage that controls its chemical potential. The energy is supplied by ac bias and/or by an external laser (pump) with frequency exceeding the superconducting gap Δ (see Fig. 1). There, exciting quasiparticles in the superconductor are creating NDR. The electrons in graphene are coupled by the Coulomb interaction, which has the Fourier image given by vk ¼ 2πe2=k, where k is in-plane momentum (lying in the x-y plane). The electrons between the two layers are also Coulomb coupled, and the Fourier image of the interlayer interaction reads uk ¼ 2πe2 expð−akÞ=k, where a ¼ 10 nm is the separation between the layers. Using the linear response theory for hybrid systems [53,54], we can write the electron density fluctuations in the graphene layer δnkω and Cooper pair density fluctua- tions in the superconducting layer δNkω as [55] δnkω ¼ Πkωðvkδnkω þ ukδNkω þWkωÞ; δNkω ¼ PkωðvkδNkω þ ukδnkω þWkωÞ; ð1Þ where Πkω ¼ ΠRkω þ iΠIkω and Pkω ¼ PRkω þ iPIkω are the complex-valued polarization operators of the graphene and superconductor, respectively, and Wkω ¼ eE0=ik is the Fourier image of the potential energy due to the external electric field. From Eqs. (1) we can find the density fluctuations in the graphene nkω and in the superconductor Nkω as linear functions of applied electric field ampli- tude E0 (see Supplemental Material [56] for details). Collective plasmonic hybrid modes in the graphene and superconductor can be found from the same system of equations, taking into account the expressions for the polarization loops of the superconductor [55] and graphene [63,64]. Substituting the expressions for nkω and Nkω into the continuity equations, kjkω ¼ −eωδnkω and kJkω ¼ −2eωδNkω, for graphene and superconductor, respectively, we can determine the electric currents in each of the layers and their impedances ZG and ZSC. The collective modes of the hybrid system are presented in Fig. 2(a) for the undoped and doped graphene cases. The upper mode has a gap 2Δ ¼ 2 meV. If in this hybrid a single graphene layer is not interacting with a superconductor, only one mode exists, which is due to the superconductor. The formula for the power absorption or gain reads [65] PðωÞ ¼ 1 2  Re Z d2rJðr; tÞ · Eðr; tÞ  ; ð2Þ where the integration is over the graphene plane, and h  i denotes time averaging. We normalize the power with the sample area R d2 ¼ l2 and the square of the field amplitude E20 to get PðωÞ ¼ PðωÞ l2E20 ¼ 1 2 eω kE0 Re½δnkω: ð3Þ Figure 2(b) shows the dependence of the power absorp- tion on the EM field incidence angle θ calculated with (3), fixing μ ¼ 0 at the Dirac point by gate voltage. All the curves exhibit critical angles at which the power absorption becomes negative, α < 0. This suggests that the incident angle can be used to switch the amplifier device on or off. Furthermore, increasing the frequency of the incident EM wave increases the critical angle. Figure 2(c) shows the power absorption spectrum. We see that coupling graphene to the superconductor layer results in a negative power absorption in the terahertz frequency range (solid curves and shaded regions). There is no negative absorption region for isolated graphene, where the power absorption remains positive for any frequency ν (dashed curves). When the light incidence angle θ increases, both the maximal intensity (slightly) and the frequency range of the negative light absorption increase [see the shaded area in Figs. 2(b) and 2(c)]. Thus, the angle of light incidence allows us to control the range of light frequencies with the negative absorption. To understand the θ dependence, note that the wave vector of the plasma wave is related to the projection of the incident light wave vector on the plane of the sample. Both the angular dependence of the absorption and gain are related to the amplitude of this wave propagating on the surface. The light incident perpendicular to the graphene surface cannot excite such plasma waves and, therefore, in this case, we do not have the gain. However, at large incident angle, there is a reflection of the incident radiation FIG. 1. System schematic. Graphene coupled with a two- dimensional superconductor by the Coulomb force and connected to an electrical pump source (a battery). Figure also shows the pump-probe configuration for the terahertz radiation amplification: The hybrid system is exposed to an external laser (pump, depicted by red arrow) and broadband EM field at incidence angle θ (probe, depicted by yellow arrows). The frequency of the pump (probe) should be above (below) the superconducting gap. Both the optical and electrical pump can provide energy for the amplification. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, 087701 (2020) 087701-2 due to the difference in the refractive index of the hybrid and air. Thus, we conclude that the most optimal effect will be observed at small but nonzero θ. If the system is embedded into a cavity resonator, there might even arise lasing similar to one observed in plasmonic lattices [66,67] or semiconductor superlattices [44]. The mechanism of gain here is similar to one in a waveguide coupled with a superconducting Josephson junction [68]. Then, the optical reflectivity of the system reads Γ ¼ ðZG − ZSCÞ2=ðZG þ ZSCÞ2. Near the frequency of the plasmon resonance, there is an area of negative differential resistance of the superconductor, RSC < 0. If we assume XG ¼ 0 and XSC ¼ 0 [68,69], we find Γ > 1. Note that a graphene transistor [70] can also have NDR (see Sec. III of [56] and [71–73]). The graphene-superconductor junction (Fig. 1) has a large tunneling resistance. An electron in graphene with energy below the superconducting gap can tunnel into the superconductor only due to the Andreev scattering [74]. The probability of such tunneling is small, since all electrons are paired. Therefore, the resistance of the junction is high. With applied bias voltage above the gap, quasiparticles appear and they can tunnel. As a result, the resistance decreases and NDR arises. The latter can appear even at zero bias when we pump the superconductor with external light with the frequency above the gap. The light excites electron and hole quasiparticles coexisting with superconducting fluctuations on the surface of the superconductor [75]. Then, in addition to the Andreev scattering, there starts normal tunneling of quasiparticles into the superconductor. The resistance of the junction decreases and the NDR arises. Such a mechanism of NDR can exist only in a highly nonequilibrium excited state created by the pump [76]. Graphene separated by a dielectric layer (e.g., made of BN, SiO2, or Ta2O5) from the superconductor (Nb, Pb, or HTSCs) together form a parallel plate capacitor, in which the capacitance C is given by C ¼ Cplate þ Cq, where Cplate is the classical capacitance Cplate ¼ ϵ0A=a, A is the area of the sample, and ϵo is the dielectric constant (e.g., ϵo ¼ 3.9 for SiO2). The quantum capacitance Cq of graphene emerges due to its conical energy-momentum relation, and it has the form Cq ¼ 2Ae2jEFj=πℏ2v2F [77–79]. The component of incident light parallel to the superconducting surface induces the fluctuation of charge density δns, which is associated with a traveling plasmon wave with the amplitude Es ∼ δns, where δns ¼ δns0 cosðkxþ ωtÞ (Fig. 3). This charge density wave (CDW) on the surface of the superconductor generates a mirror CDW of the opposite sign in the neutral graphene layer, being of the same order as the charge fluctuations in the super- conducting layer, i.e., δnG ∼ δns. These plasmons have a (a) (b) (c) FIG. 2. (a) Hybrid collective plasmonic modes for undoped (blue curves) and doped (red curves, μ ¼ 3.0 meV) graphene layer. Black dashed curves show the modes of isolated doped graphene layer. (Inset) Enlargement of the lower energy modes. (b) Power absorption as a function of the angle of incidence θ (see also Fig. 1) for graphene-superconductor hybrid for frequencies ν ¼ 0.5 (red), 1.0 (green), and 2.0 THz (blue). (c) Graphene power absorption spectrum for the angles of incidence θ ¼ 1.0° (red), θ ¼ 1.5° (green), and θ ¼ 3.0° (blue). Dashed curves show the data corresponding to the isolated graphene. In (b) and (c) μ ¼ 0. (Insets) The effect of temperature T ¼ 0 (red), T ¼ 0.5Tc (green), and T ¼ Tc (blue) is shown. The graphene-superconductor separation is a ¼ 10 nm. EG ESC EF EF + superconductor graphene - ++ ++ +-- -- - FIG. 3. Schematic of the mechanism of terahertz amplification. The incident light induces a collective hybrid plasmon mode. The interplay between this mode and the quantum capacitance of graphene amplifies the incident electromagnetic field (see text for details). PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, 087701 (2020) 087701-3 wavelength larger than a micrometer, and therefore the charge density for each half wavelength can be viewed as a local temporary graphene doping, moving with the wave. During this half period, the charge fluctuation corresponds to the local change in the chemical potential or the Fermi energy EF, which is directly related to the amplitude of the plasmon wave propagating in graphene EG. Because of the quantum capacitance of graphene, described by the relation EF ∼ ffiffiffiffiffi nG p , the waves amplitude EG ∼ EF is significantly enhanced, and it is different from the amplitude of the plasmon wave, propagating on the surface of the superconductor. In order to stimulate radiation of electromagnetic waves in the terahertz range (similar to photoconductive antennas [80]), one has to add a supply of energy. It can be done by introducing a pump-probe setup, where the energy required for the amplification of the probe comes from the pump. For the pump, we have to expose graphene to an external laser with the frequency above the superconducting gap. Or we can apply ac bias voltage with the amplitude larger than the gap. Because of the pump, there forms a state, in which energy is accumulated in electronic excitations. To have the pump-probe configuration, we expose the junction to an additional external light (probe) with the frequency lower than the gap. Then, there on the surface will emerge superconducting charge density fluctuations. Effectively, they represent coherent waves traveling inside the capacitor formed by the graphene and superconductor. Because of graphene quantum capacitance [77–79], the amplitude of these electromagnetic waves is amplified. The energy is provided by the pump, resulting in negative light absorption for a probe (see Fig. 2) or a reflection coefficient larger than 1. Note that the graphene-superconductor system possesses many benefits. Both superconducting and graphene layers have giant mobility and small resistivity, giving rise to minute losses. With increasing temperature, the super- conducting gap decreases, while graphene mobility changes a little [81,82]. Since the radiation amplification occurs in graphene, the temperature has a weak effect on the operation of the terahertz transistor [see insets in Figs. 2(b) and 2(c)]. The working temperature range is similar to one for the stack of the Josephson junctions made of HTSCs [9,10], and it is limited by the critical temper- ature Tc. The radiation power reads Pr ¼ hVgIi, where the voltage Vg and the transverse current I are periodically changing in time around the Dirac point [83]. Then, assuming simple periodic behavior for both IðtÞ and VgðtÞ and the graphene- superconductor separation a ¼ 10 nm [84], the maximal outcome power reads hI × Vgi ∼ 200–250 μW=cm2 [85]. Evidently, it can be increased for larger areas of the surface or employing multilayer hybrid structures. Conclusions.—We have shown that, in a hybrid graphene- superconductor system exposed to an electromagnetic field of light, the absorption coefficient can become negative in a certain range of frequencies and at a nonzero angle of incidence. We suggest that the system can serve as an amplifier of terahertz radiation. The essence of the ampli- fication is the quantum capacitance of graphene, which provides the conversion of the charge density wave induced by incident light into emitted radiation with much stronger intensity. That is also related to the negative differential conductivity of the hybrid, where there is a strong Coulomb coupling of graphene and superconductor. Such devices are now in strong demand and may be complementary to quantum cascade lasers. Moreover, the use of high-temperature superconductors extends the range of temperatures required for their operation. The existence of Dirac or Weyl cones in graphene, topological insulators, and Weyl semimetals brings in a new physical concept called quantum capacitance. Its essence is in strong dependence of the Fermi energy on the charge doping. A weak charge density wave can induce a strong electric field, allowing us to achieve the amplification of incident electromagnetic radiation. The situation is somewhat similar to lasers, where the pumping results in the population inversion. The difference is that, here, the amplification can occur in a broad frequency range simultaneously, while in lasers it is pinned to a specific resonant frequency. Such amplification of the broadband spectrum, e.g., for chaotic or noise radiation, opens exciting opportunities of new types of molecular and biological noise spectroscopy, where the response of the system can be measured in a broad frequency range, providing new opportunities in molecular and biological noise spectroscopy [86–88]. 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